Your slogans are wrong! Ruthless Criticism
From GSP 4-18

To “citizens concerned about immigration”:
Your slogans are wrong!

Dear fellow citizens, your political judgments lose all plausibility when one tries to make sense of them.

1. “Refugees take our housing and our jobs and degrade wages”

Who does “your” housing and “your” job belong to? If you fear losing them, whose decision do you have to fear? If we understand you correctly, you are talking about your fear that the landlords will take advantage of the competition between those who are looking for housing in order to increase rents and so the value of their real estate, and of the employers playing job seekers against each other in order to tweak wages and job demands to their own advantage – that is, about the conflict between the three capitalistic classes of workers, landowners, and capitalists. Yet what does that have to do with their nationality?

What you have against foreigners is obviously that they do exactly the same things you do in the conflict of interest with employers and landlords whose calculations you take for granted in the struggle for an income and a livelihood and a place to live, i.e. to come out on top in the survival fight against everyone else who is in exactly the same economic position as you. If they do the same as you, then they do something completely different: being evicted by a landlord or laid off by an employer becomes having something stolen from you by foreigners. They must be stopped from doing this because the decent competition in this beautiful class society has become untenable with them. What a nice homeland it would be if pure-born Germans were the only ones permitted to enjoy the experience of being subjected to wage and productivity comparisons by penny-pinching employers and making landlords richer with a good chunk of what they earn!

2. “They do so much for immigrants, but nothing for us”

Who does the government “do nothing” for? Do you mean the recipients of unemployment insurance who are not left alone but hounded by the unemployment office until they find someone to hire them? Are you thinking of the poverty of senior citizens or the health care crisis? Is that due to the government not reforming social security or the health care system? Are native citizens living in such horrible conditions because the state is doing nothing? Isn’t the positive reason for this the system that the government has set up so diligently?

And on the other hand: what is the “so much” that the government does for refugees? Do you also want food vouchers in a detention center? Is that the type of attention you are craving? What makes you think that the assistance given to refugees and the assistance given to you have nothing to do with each other? Are the living standards of poor Germans so wretched because the state does things for refugees? Was your standard of living higher before the “flood of refugees”? Obviously, it’s the other way around: it is not that there has only been wretched living conditions since refugees were taken in, but that you only found the wretched living conditions in your homeland to be really bad once the refugees were here.

If you are thinking of the money in the national budget: How did you even come to the conclusion that the funds you think are missing there can be found in the refugee administration, and not in other, much larger budgetary items which are also not being used to help you? Have you examined all the purposes and necessities that the politicians are so concerned about to see whether they benefit you? You see refugees – and only them – as dead certain proof that this government has different concerns than a good life for its native population; but do you think it is possible for the governement to manage a welfare state that serves the success of an economy that can never have low enough living standards, like those you now complain about?

Or is it not about any material issue at all for you? Do you just want to make sure that the refugees are doing worse, even if you don’t get any benefit from it at all?

3. “A lot of crime is committed by migrants ... just sayin’”

In some cities, migrants have committed deeds which no man or woman would want to be the victim of (regardless of the perpetrator’s nationality) and which are considered crimes in the German penal code. What follows from this? One thing certainly does not: that crimes committed by foreigners take place in a society where murder, manslaughter, sexual harassment, violence, theft, coercion, etc., are unknown. In the German penal code, the law makers have compiled an entire catalog of offenses that are customary in this country and by no means had to be imported, and has provided them with the corresponding penalties. No foreigner commits a crime for which a German law doesn’t already exist, i.e., is not definitely part of the customs of our civilized nation. Every newspaper reader knows that gruesome atrocities have always been part of the news. It does not seem to be the case that really bad crime has only been committed since the migrants started arriving here – but that crime only becomes really bad when committed by migrants.

The crime committed by migrants tells you all about the cultures from which they come, so the whole human race can’t be trusted. However, all the “family tragedies” and “relationship dramas” motivated by wounded honor (which are only called “honor killings” when committed by a migrant), the child abuse by local priests, the sexual assaults mostly committed within families or by acquaintances, etc. etc. – these are nothing but thousands of regrettable, individual cases and have nothing to do with the morals of our own breed of human ...

4. “I want Germany to remain Germany”

Then what’s so worth preserving about German class society – with its housing shortage, its poverty, its crime – that it must not change? Which working and living conditions here should remain the way they have always been and should not constantly be adapted to the latest demands of the entrepreneurs and the challenges posed to the investment site policy, other than skylines and countrysides? Or do you want to say that you do not want to have your perpetually revamped living habits changed by foreigners?

What makes foreigners so vastly different from you anyway? And what do they really change about Germany? They bother you in their efforts to find housing and jobs and in the line at the welfare office precisely because they do nothing different than you: they fight for the life chances that the competitive system offers them. In order for you to be bothered by their foreignness, you have to search on a level that has little to do with things that really matter for a livelihood.

– In language, for example, one can recognize migrants, whether they come from Saxony, Syria, or somewhere else. They learn High German to the extent that it is required of them and that they consider important for coping with their everyday lives, and most people in the course of their lives will hear someone say they grew up somewhere other than where they live now. Who cares and why should you? Do you complain about hearing foreign languages on the bus because you want to eavesdrop on their conversations? Or do you have something to say to them that might be helped by taking a language class? Again, it’s probably the other way around: it’s not their language that makes them foreign, but because you’ve already identified them as foreign that their way of talking bothers you. Or their skin color.

Customs and living habits differentiate people, obviously. The way one person greets another, the way someone dresses, how relationships between the sexes are dealt with, taboos and questions of honor, the place of religion, eating habits, leisure activities ranging from going to the stadium or the opera ... the organic German population presents a chaotic jumble of subcultures which define themselves in opposition to each other, often enough despise one another, and as mercilessly righteous people insist on how their lifestyles conflict with each other. For some, the minimal standard of living is two private jets, while for others the highlight of each weekend is rioting at the soccer stadium. How do you find a unified national way of life in this? And what’s more, one worth preserving? Is it possible that the great, lovable commonality that should unite hooligans and nuns, homosexuals and neo-Nazis, guardians of tradition and emancipated women is that they form a dogmatic united front in not wanting to tolerate anything that might be important to a newcomer?

5. “We are the people!”

So it is you who has commissioned the government to impose the competition for money on humanity, who has forced workfare on the poor, who has bought the bad debts of the banks, and who is responsible for the whole world in general? The government dictates your living conditions in the interest of the power of the nation, and cynically adds to this command that it does it all “in the name of the people” and for the good of those it commands. Let us understand the exclamation point in your claim correctly: You are not only forced to be such cucked idiots, you also want to be?!